What Am I All About?

Perhaps my business card explains it all.

Let me tell you, that was a labor of love. Took forever to line the words up just so. It was somewhat unnecessary to make the cards because most 3 year old kids can’t read them, yoga students have no pockets and I don’t spend much time networking.

Creating stuff is what I do. Creating ways to move, ways to practice yoga and things to read.

I spent decades as an early childhood creative movement specialist. I invented Hullabaloo Danceshop so I can make up, dances, activities and reasons to get kids moving. They don’t need much convincing. If you are interested you can click here

Prior to that I was deeply involved in the ski industry. In the US and in Australia I spent a lot of time training teachers how to teach kids. The trick is to tap into the senses, what does a movement or concept feel like, sound like, look like. Wouldn’t you know, adults learn the same way.

As an E-500 RYT I use thoughts and stories to encourage adults to look at their yoga practice as more than just a physical activity, meaning that I’m not teaching an exercise class. Lucky for them because me and a lot of repetition don’t go together so well.

There’s much more to yoga than practicing peacock on a picnic table or pronouncing Sanskrit words correctly. It’s a way of thinking that can make us feel like springing through Queen Anne’s Lace like our dog Georgia, or it may encourage us to curl up contentedly in front of the fire.

I started my blog in 2018, to put my yoga thoughts out there. I love the philosophy. I love the simplicity. I love relating the ideas to my own life and ideally getting students to do the same, you included. Jump in here.

Originally I started explaining some of the terms often used in a yoga class. Using Sanskrit words is fun but half the time no one really knows what they are saying or why. Some of you who have memorized the Ashtanga opening chant for teacher training may know what I mean.

I’ve extended out a bit more but the blog still falls in the realm of yoga education and observational humor.

When I’m not dancing, teaching or finding new ways to use tiki torches, I’m doing big girl writing. That’s my go to activity.

My first book, a humorous memoir of sorts, is on sale now. You can get a bit more info here.

My second book, a children’s rhyming tale about a porcupine is available as well. Click here.

My third book, more adult stories of living, is 45% finished!

My fourth book, 40% completed, is on the creative process. (I read fiction but prefer writing non-fiction.)

For my Masters in Creativity Studies at the Union Institute & University, I developed a model of the creative process. Yes, we all do have creative bones in our body! Eventually and with some luck, I’ll get the opportunity to convince you.

Please feel free to introduce yourself and by all means check out the blog, share it with like minded friends or with friends whose minds you like.

Thank you.